Thursday, July 17, 2008

Raar memory game update aGAiN! high score!

Hallo every body!

I've been busy with the game again. I've added a highscore! Too bad that page is awfully slow.

Yay Raar memory game!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Raar memory game Update

I've added levels, so now the computer starts out as stupid and don don yoku ni naru.

Like gets smarter after each level.

Raars memory game

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Raar Memory Game beta 0.000000001


This is what I've been up to latley; programming flash games. I'm learning AS3 wich was a bit tricky in the beginning but I'm starting to get a hang of it.

Check out the first Beta of my first flash game.
Raar Memory Game

ps. and no the computer is not cheating, he is just really really smart ds.