Sunday, December 30, 2007
qeshi & Linda Bjalla Live at Awan Café Jan 14th
qeshi and Linda Bjalla will play at Awan Café in Saitama, January 14th at 15:00.
埼玉県さいたま市大宮区大門町3-22-1 新栄ビル2F
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
qeshi Live in Tokyo! x 2 or 3
New live dates are comming up!
qeshi will play live at Mado the 11th of January. Opens at 20:00.
I will post more info when I know more about this event.
qeshi will also attend a Bullets event December 24th.
"12/24 (Mon) holiday ブレッツプレゼンツ_胸キュンクリスマス★2007"
For more info visit Bul-let's homepage.
Linda Bjalla and I are also plannnig a third event that probably will take place in Jauary 2008.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I had a really good time! Izumi and I are already talking about making another event before I go back to Sweden.
I'll keep you posted, so keep an eye on this blogg or on my myspace page or my MIXI-page. I'll go back January 16th so it has to be before that date.
Pictures by Sebas.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
qeshi Live at Bul Let's!!!!
Hokuousome Christmas Party!
qeshi will play live at Bul lets december 6th. Also starring is mahomoment and Linda Bjalla!
December 6th
北欧some Christmas Party
¥1500(1 drink included)
LIVE>qeshi, mahomoment, Linda Bjalla
VJ>Tadataka Sudo
Please visist these sites for more information:

I'm in Tokyo!
Many new interesting things are about to come. Like I'm planning a live gig.
I just got a cell phone. My number and email can be found at my homepage.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
GFC V 0.31 English subtitles
Anyways, as always please comment. I'm all ears for feed back.
Monday, October 15, 2007
GFC V 0.3 English subtitles
This is my first try to translate Grandfather Fox's Confessions into english. I did it in a hurry so it's probably full of weird spellings and grammar. So please let me know if you find anything odd in it.
Otherwise I hope the you all can enjoy my animatic now!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I Love Rår
The best song in the universe! This is the first unfinished track I'm uploading like this. Feel free to comment.
Homepage makeover!
I've done a complete makeover of my site.
The idea is to make it easier to update and more interactive to you the visitors.
Instead of a BBS I've linked everything to this blog so you can comment on my all works.
I'm also going to post a lot more stuff I'm working on, especially clips from songs I'm writing.
I've finished most of the basic functionality on the site, but the graphics are far from finished.
More on that later.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
qeshi Live!
qeshi will play live 22:00 August 25th at Scenkonstfestivalen Paradiso in Stockholm!
Email me for more information if you do not read Swedish
qeshi spelar på Turteatern i Kärrtorp i på Paradisofestivalen!
Vägbeskrivning: Ta tunnelbanans gröna linje 17 mot Skarpnäck, till Kärrtorp (13 min från Slussen). Teatern ligger på Kärrtorps Torg, precis bredvid entrén till tunnelbanan.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Animatic v 0.2 GFC
A new animatic is up on google video. I'm currently working on an english tranlsation.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Animatic v 0.1- Farfar Rävs Bekännelser
Click the link under the movie to view it.
Part 1 of 6
part 1 o f 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
Part 2 of 6
Part 2 of 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
Part 3 of 6
part 3 of 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
Part 4 of 6
part 4 o f 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
Part 5 of 6
part 5 o f 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
Part 6 of 6
part 6 o f 6 Animatic v 0.1 GFC
Video sent by qeshi
The First Post Post
I've started this blog to document my work on my latest movie "Grandfather Fox's Confessions".
Feel free to comment, I appreciate any feedback I could get.